Deals For Guys

50 yard line on an american football field
An email showed up in my Hawk Blogger inbox a few weeks ago, asking if I would be interested in an affiliate marketing program for some company called Dealometry. I get these now and then, but what made this one different was the name of the sender. It said, “From: Paul Rosenwald.” I paused for a second, because I suck at remembering people’s names, but I was pretty darn sure that guy was on my indoor soccer team and his son played on my son’s soccer team. I wrote back and said, “Dude, Paul, it’s me. The guy you see every weekend.”

We had a good laugh, and he explained that he and his partner, Bob Crimmins, were starting a new business that did daily deals that were focused on guys.

“Dealometry was born out of the frustration that comes from having your inbox flooded with deals for spa treatments, Botox treatments and bikini waxing,” Bob told me.  “When we launched Dealometry, there were no good deal sites for guys — clearly there was a vacuum in the market.  Every deal on Dealometry has guys in mind.  But we also know that smart guys take care of their ladies so we’ll occasionally help guys out with a deal that they can purchase for their better halves.  The response has been terrific.”

I still am somewhat proud to say I have never made a dime off my work here. That’s not why I write. Helping a friend get some attention for what sounds like a cool business idea met my bar. 

I hope the banner ad is not a big turn-off. Let me know if it is. Paul and I agree we’d give this a shot, and see how it worked out. Enjoy!